Current planning applications are available to view on Herefordshire Council’s Planning Portal:
Click on the application number to go to the relevant page on the Herefordshire Council website
174554 The Falcon, How Caple HR14TF. Retrospective Listed Building consent application. Retrospective placement of satellite on the front elevation.
174552 The Falcon, How Caple HR14FT. Listed building consent application. Proposed single storey ground floor kitchen extension, alterations to existing window to form new doorway and internal re-ordering.
174551 The Falcon, How Caple HR14TF. Proposed single storey ground floor kitchen extension, alterations to existing window to form new doorway and internal re-ordering.
170224 Falcon Field, How Caple HR14TF. Repair existing conservatory
163850 How Caple Grange, How Caple HR1 4TF. Change of use of an existing Georgian Country House Hotel (C1 Hotels) to a boarding house for Hereford Cathedral School (C2 Residential Institutions).
163539 Falcon’s Nest, How Caple HR1 4TF. Proposed 2 bay residential garage and storage area
163398 Listed building consent. Falcon Field How Caple Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4TF. Proposed repairs to conservatory
163177 Land Southeast of Westnors End Farm Sollarshope HR1 4RR. General purpose barn for winter feed and agricultural machinery