The How Caple, Sollers Hope and Yatton Group Parish Council members are:
- John Jackson (Sollers Hope) Chairman
- Hugh Bodington (Yatton) Vice Chairman
- Elizabeth Glover (Sollers Hope)
- Brendan Beal (How Caple)
- Ed Rogers (Yatton)
- David Reeve-Tucker (Yatton)
- Clerk: Helen Tinson – Email: Tel: 07989 066782
There are currently three vacancies on the Parish Council. Please contact the clerk for more information.
There are nine members of the Parish Council. Each Parish elects three councillors but they act as one council with responsibility to the three parishes equally. The current members’ term of office will be for four years until the next election in 2027.
How Caple: Brendan Beal, two vacancies
Sollers Hope: John Jackson, Elizabeth Glover, one vacancy
Yatton: R Hugh Bodington, Ed Rogers, David Reeve-Tucker
Declaration of Interests
Contact Information
To contact the Parish Council please write, telephone or email the Clerk, Helen Tinson
Address: Pichells Place, Wall Hills Farm, Hereford Road, Ledbury, HR8 2PR
Tel: 07989 066782
Parish Council Meetings
Parish Council meetings are held at Brockhampton Parish Hall, starting at 7.00pm. For dates of scheduled meetings follow this link:
Occasionally there may need to be extraordinary meetings when an important issue comes up between scheduled meetings.
Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings and there is always an item on the agenda for the public to speak and raise any parish matters that they would like to bring to the Parish Council’s attention.
A notice giving the date, time and venue of each meeting together with the agenda will be posted here and on the notice board in each parish three days before the meeting.